Dylan Jones x Bug Belt Books

Have you ever taken a long, cold walk in the forest and felt eyes burrowing their way into the back of your skull? Or maybe stepped on a snail only to feel it entirely engulf your foot? Maybe you've stared at a tree for far too long and seen it morph into a shape which will haunt your dreams for the rest of your life? These experiences feel otherworldly and detach you from your everyday reality. Suddenly your mind is goop and ideas of anxiety and possibility come flooding in.
Dylan's work has this same effect. An inherent mysticism and mischief sprawls across his pages and seem to flow effortlessly from his pen. There's a darkness to his work- not in a HR Giger, Norweigan black metal sense (although comparisons are not entirely false and I'd be surprised if Dylan hadn't listened to DeathCrush at least once)- but in a 'Oh Christ, I'm alone and I do not understand anything that is happening' way.
Physics and anatomy don't entirely make sense in Dylan's work, but what does? Narratives sprawl and intersect each other, or present themselves as tight, 4 panel snippets of a life adjacent to the human experience but not quite touching it. What makes sense if your interpretation of it. These are images to be obsessed over at 3am on your own, then shared with all of your closest friends alongside copies of bootleg VHS tapes and poorly screen printed shirts the next day.
Dylan's work is truly unique and I believe him to be one of the most exciting artists working today. Make sure you close the book tightly and store it somewhere cool and safe once you're done- under the right circumstances I wouldn't be surprised if these images came alive past midnight.
Dylan Jones X Bug Belt Books 2024
24 Pages, Wiro Bound, Black and White Digital Print